President's Message

District of Columbia Society of Professional Engineers

President’s Message

January 2019

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The past year was a productive one for the District of Columbia Society of Professional Engineers (DCSPE).  At the start of 2018 we adopted the National Society of Professional Engineers (NPSE) Integrated Membership Model for our organization.  This has afforded us access to their considerable resources and excellent, sustained support from their talented staff.

In February, we participated in the MATHCOUNTS Competitions and Discover Engineering Family Day.  In May, our old website got a makeover and was updated to be consistent with the branding and messaging of the NSPE.  In June, we hosted our annual banquet where we awarded the DCSPE 2018 Project of the Year to Madison Marquette for their Wharf Project.  In July, I attended my first NSPE’s Professional Engineers Conference.  In the fall, we established a Twitter account as another way to promote our activities. (Follow us at

Looking ahead, 2019 should be another full year.  We will again be involved in MATHCOUNTS and Discover Engineering Family Day and hold a banquet where we will recognize a Project of the Year.  We will follow closely the outcome of a proposal by the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs to adopt a continuing education requirement for renewal of a DC engineer’s licensure.  If adopted, it would offer an opportunity for DCSPE to host educational workshops.  Finally, we plan to further survey our membership for feedback on how to serve them better.

In closing, thank you for your continued support of the DCSPE and please keep tabs on us through our website and Twitter.

Respectfully yours,


Jon Gallinger, PE


District of Columbia Society of Professional Engineers